

18824 Uppsatser om Building information modelling - Sida 1 av 1255

Kopplingen mellan Livscykelkostnader och Building Information Modelling

Detta examensarbete har undersökt vilka möjligheter som skapas genom att använda BuildingInformation Modelling (BIM) för Livscykelkostnadsanalyser (LCCA). Arbetet beskriver förstLCCA och sedan hur BIM samt öppna standardiserade dataformat kan användas för LCCAoch för kvalitetssäkring av data. Till sist visas hur ett verktyg som räknar ut LCC direkt frånen byggnadsmodell kan utformas. Genom att kunna synliggöra konsekvenserna av olikalösningsalternativ och göra kvalitativa LCCA erhålls genomtänkta lösningar och medvetenhetom de framtida förvaltningskostnaderna. För en byggherre som också ansvarar för driften kandessa alternativsvärderingar och analyser leda till betydligt lägre förvaltningskostnader.

BIM-projektering i praktiken

The use of CAD, within the building industry came strongly, during the 1980?s and the 1990?s. The development has since then rapidly progressed and the using of 3D-models has in addition increased. We are now at the edge of next step of evolution. BIM, Building Information Model(ing), is here.

Optimering av fackverksmodellering : Ett makro för Tekla Structures

This project is the result of a cooperation between HalmstadUniversity and EABAB. The aim of the project was to create a macro that would help EABAB automate the process of designing steel trusses. When run in Microsoft Excel, the macro imports and processes coordinates from a calculator program. The data is then imported into the Building information modelling software Tekla Structures, which creates a 3D structural model of the steel truss.The macro saves much time in the project planning process and also helps minimize the risk of design flaws caused by human error. .

Informationsstyrning av en försörjningskedja i ett icke tillverkande företag.

In this report listed buildings, according to the Swedish Heritage Conservation Act, have been studied with a focus on cases where economical compensation has been given to the owner of the building and cases where the listing of the building has been appealed by the owner. In order for a building to become listed it needs to be particularly valuable from a cultural and historical standpoint. The listed buildings are protected through a list of regulations that determines which parts of the building can or cannot be changed, what methods and materials should be used for changes and repairs, and how the building should be maintained. These regulations should as far as possible be formulated in agreement with the owner, but a building can become listed against the owners will. To decrease the damage this causes the owner he can in some cases have the right to economical compensation. There is also a possibility for the owner to appeal the listing of the building.

Effektivisering av LCA med hjälp av BIM

This thesis concerns how Sweden relates to life cycle assessment (LCA) in the construction process. LCA means analyzing a products impact and the analysis includes the whole life span of the product. A building has a high complexity and the combination with its unique shape will make the LCA more comprehensive, unlike e.g. aluminum cans. Recently there has been a development of a working procedure in the construction industry.

BIM i förvaltningsskedet

Syftet med den här studien är att förbättra informationsflödet från projektering och produktion in i förvaltningen. Detta för att väcka ett intresse hos förvaltare och för att visa att det finns pengar att spara genom att ta hand om informationen från projekteringen och produktionen.Tidigare studier inom området BIM visar att stor fokus läggs på projektering och produktion men det är ett väldigt litet fokus på förvaltningen när man talar om BIM.Målet är att konkret kunna visa vad informationen är värd och att visa vilken information förvaltare använder och var den finns i byggprocessens skeden före förvaltningen.Rapporten bygger på en litteraturstudie, intervjuer och beräkningar. Förvaltare har blivit tillfrågade vilken information de använder i förvaltningen och sedan har projektör och entreprenör blivit tillfrågad ifall denna information finns att tillgå i projekteringen och produktionen. Värderingen av informationen har sedan gått till på två sätt. Det ena sättet är att bedöma kostnaden av att uppdatera information mot kostnaden att ta fram information på nytt.

BIM för Hållbart Byggande

The purpose of this study is to facilitate sustainable building by the use of BIM. The goal is to determine which aspects of sustainable building, which can be analyzed mainly with BIM tools, but also other aids.The study is based on literature studies and interviews. The literature review examines aspects important for sustainable building by studying environmental certification systems applicable in Sweden, as well as the BIM tools available on the market to analyze these aspects. The literature also includes the concepts of BIM and sustainability in order to provide a clearer view of its meaning. The interviews have brought the study's overall understanding of the industry and guidance on the subject.The results are presented in a table, where the aspects relevant to sustainable building are listed.

Brandsäkerhet i ett småhus

This essay includes the planning and designing of a house as well as writing a rapport about howto increase fire safety in small buildings.More than 6000 homes burn in Sweden every year (Brandskyddsföreningen, 2012c). Thedevastation and the costs are usually very high. This report examines possible measures to reduceboth personal injuries and economic losses resulting from house fires in small buildings.Swedishbuilding regulationsplay a major role when it comes to constructional fire safety. However therequirements inSwedish building regulations are very low for small buildings and this is anargument for raising the requirements.The report shows and describes possible methods to build safer with regards to fire in terms ofmaterials and different building structures. Major focus has been on fire cells but other solutionsare also examined and described.

Implementera BIM i produktionen : Vilka produktionsparamterar krävs i en BIM-modell för att produktionsledare ska kunna tillämpa BIM som verktyg till sina arbetsuppgifter?

Detta examensarbete syftar till att exemplifiera vilka informationsparametrar som är nödvändiga för att Building Information Management på ett bättre sätt ska kunna implementeras i produktionsfasen. För att uppnå detta mål har vi analyserat utvecklingen och nyttjandet av Building Information Management genom tre olika datainsamlingsmetoder; litteraturstudie, observationer och intervjuer.  I detta examensarbete har vi fördjupat oss i för- och nackdelar samt hur Skanska Sverige AB kan tillämpa Building Information Management som hjälpmedel i arbetsberedningar. Denna fördjupning har lett till att vi kan analysera vilka produktionsanpassade informationsparametrar som en produktionsledare behöver i sin tjänsteroll för att dra nytta av Building Information Management.Vi anser att användandet av en BIM-modell kompletterar produktionsledarens ledaregenskaper, vilket gör det lättare för denne att nå fram med informationen till yrkesarbetarna, då visualiseringen underlättar förståelsen inför aktiviteten. I denna rapport kan läsaren ta del av de slutsatser vi kommit fram till..

Granskning av Solibri Model Checker - En Svenskanpassning : Ja?mfo?relse av tva? egenkontrollsystem

The building industry are currently going through a huge alteration. The introduction of BIM (Building Information Modeling). Which also implements a lot of new ways of solving problems that building modeling can cause. This report is written for Uppsala University in cooperation with Temagruppen in Uppsala. However, it contains a comparison between two different systems that checks building models.

3D-modellering i AutoCAD -att skapa en digital huskonstruktion

3D-modelling in AutoCAD This thesis is done in cooperation with LB-Hus in Bromölla, and have aimed to establish a digital AutoCAD model of one of the company?s house types and to find out what opportunities there are to do visualisations in the form of images directly from the programme. Modeling has been carried out so that the very construction of the house is included. Interiors and installations, with the exception of the ventilation system, have been left out in the model. The model has been created with solid models after a comparative study made between solid models and surface models to find out which option in this case was the easiest to handle and took up the least space.

Kundnyttan av Tekla Structures som verktyg i broprojektering

Byggbranschen är inne i en övergångsfas mellan 2D och 3D. BIM, som arbetsmetod, och 3D-modeller blir allt vanligare. I broprojekt är dock efterfrågan på dessa modeller låg. På WSP i Stockholm används 3D-modelleringprogrammet Tekla Structures i stor utsträckning på flera avdelningar. Önskemål finns om att utöka användningen av programmet även inom broprojektering.

ISO 9000 och dess funktion i byggbranschen

The purpose with this examination task is to investigate what purchasers and building contractors think of ISO 9000 and the function of it within the building trade.In this material both the purchaser´s and the building contractor´s viewpoints and attitude towards ISO 9000 is being object to an investigation, in order to get a just picture of the function of the quality work within the building trade. The general opinion of ISO 9000 has proven to be positive. During the work with this investigation it appeared that nosystem is that good that it can´t be improved. A widely spread opinion is also that ISO 9000 means a lot of paperwork but also that the certified companies are well organized. Above all the majority demands a standard that is more adjusted to the building trade..

Linné hemvård : En grafisk profil till ett nystartat företag

The purpose of this work is to develop and test a design process where quick decisions and model building has a prominent role. The goal is to develop a number of products and build prototypes to be shown during the Carl Malmsten Furniture Studies spring exhibition 2012. I?m also writing a report describing my work.To reach my goal I have each day during the first phase conducted a short research and found a concept based on that days name day. Then I have continued in the workshop and worked with three-dimensional models.

Bättre arbetsberedningar med hjälp av BIM : Hur de kan utformas för implementering av BIM

During the past years Building information modelling (BIM), which is a digital way to work, has begun to spread amongst the parts of the construction process. At the construction phase the larger companies has started using the new way to work. This expansion has not been developed amongst smaller companies leading to the purpose of this report, to investigate in which ways the smaller companies can implement BIM by changing their way to work. The thesis is delimited to work preperations with the objective to define how the work preperations should be structured to enable the implementation of BIM. To achieve the objective of the report, information about the subject has been collected by interviews and literature studies.

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